Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bus Visitor

Michael has been working so late in the bus.  Last night he was there way past midnight, but he was not alone.  As he was running wires for the electrical system, he saw a little creature from the side of his eye.  He grabbed him and put him in the kitchen for the kids and me to find the next morning.

After the kids and I observed him for a few minutes, we took him outside to set him free.

Despite his the abolishment of his boundaries, he did not move.  Instead he made a movement ... a bowel movement.  He must have been too freaked out to do anything else.

Bored, we left him and went inside the house.  When we went out again, he had left,  I bet that's the last time he'll visit the bus!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

9th Wedding Anniversary

Michael and I celebrated 9 years of marriage at a fancy restaurant named Bern's Steakhouse!  The kids were well-behaved.  I mean ... they did raise their voices when either said something funny but they made a valiant effort to be mini adults for 2-1/2 hours.
After dinner,  We toured the kitchen and wine cellar.   The finale was an ascent to the upstairs dessert room where we all indulged our sweet teeth.  

Simone and Max unknowingly provided much entertainment that night.  

I had ordered for Max a plate of carrot fries, which were delicious and sweet - much like sweet potato fries.  Max bit one and quietly put it on my plate.  After I showed him I had tried it and liked it I said to him, "MMM!  Aren't these fries delicious?"  He responded, "They're hopeless."

Simone and Max were talking and we caught a snippet of Max lamenting his height.  "I wish I were taller because then I could reach the bookshelf."  

Simone entertained us and a few fellow patrons within earshot, but at my expense.  The room seemed to quiet down and she punctured the silence with this inquiry, "Mommy ... when are you going to get a job?"  I explained that taking care of her and Max were my job and she seemed unphased.  All she knew was that Daddy was paying for the bill.  Aahhhh kids.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Favorite Subject

I asked Simone what her favorite subject in school is and she said ...
