Wednesday, May 25, 2016


The things I splurge on now are so domestic-related.  Not only did I get new spice containers, but they are magnetized yo!!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Photo Bomber

I've given birth to a photobomber extraordinaire.  Before he strikes, note the smile of mischief smeared across his face. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

New Wheels

These kids have become quite agile in bike riding (Simone already rides with no hands) and scootering (Max banks at quite an angle on tight turns).  So on to a new sport!

They each got new helmets because Michael wants them to be well protected as they figure out skateboarding.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I have not felt as old as I did this morning when Simone said to me, "Mommy, your hands are starting to feel like Grandma's."

Where's my moisturizer!!!?!

Monday, May 16, 2016

11 Years!

We had the opportunity to celebrate our wedding anniversary in Florida, again!

This time we were in Key West!!

Saturday, May 14, 2016


What is it about the trunk space of a car that is so alluring to kids?  Mine want to ride in it, hide in it, enter through it, and exit through it!  I can't blame them though.  I remember being so excited as a kid when we sat in the back of our cousins' station wagon ... while it was moving!!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Following Suit

The good news ... Max is starting to spell.  Bad news (for the grandparents) ... His choice of words.

Friday the 13th

While we were walking on a wooden dock, Max tripped on a slat and fell on his hands.  He commented that he keeps tripping so I told him that it's understandable since it's Friday the 13th.  

"Some people believe that this day is unlucky."

Simone overheard and put her two cents in:  "Friday the 13th isn't an unlucky day.  Mondays are unlucky days!"

This girl speaks the truth!

Hello Sun!

We're hoping to be stationed in Key West next so that this will be where we park our bus and call home.

Visitors hoping to be residents

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

While Mommy's Away

Before I went to the laundry room to retrieve our clean clothes, I instructed the kids to practice their  penmanship.  Max did the lower case "b" and Simone the upper case "A."

Well they finished it alright.  When I returned I saw they had practiced their letters and then some.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Spring in Maryland

Here's our spot in Maryland!  Most days have been cloudy or rainy or the trees didn't have many leaves on them. 

Today finally felt like a picture perfect day!

Scary Stories

When my kids hang out with religious kids at the campground, Simone and Max are introduced to alternative scary stories. 

"There was this guy named 'Damien' and he was inappropriate." 😨

Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnnnn!!