Monday, October 31, 2016

Campground Halloween

The campers celebrated Halloween one night early since it's known that the kids go to nearby houses on Halloween night.  Michael got into the spirit of things and passed out candy while he rocked in his rocking chair on our bus porch.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Michael's Biggest Fan

Simone asked if I have the best husband in the world.  I told her, "I do!" 

Then she said, "Then when I grow up, I'll have the second best husband."

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Simone and Lisa

When Simone was 15 months old, my friend Alicia and her daughter Sophie took us to Disneyland.  Little 6-year old Sophie used her money to buy Simone a little white cat (the kitten from The Aristocats movie). 8+ years later, Simone still plays with "Lisa" and is comforted by her at dentist visits. 

Thank you Sophie and Alicia!

Cool Max

Yeah, Max is cool in his glasses and xray coat, but what I see is a growing boy in need of longer pants!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Face Paint

Max practiced his face painting skills on me.

I forgot I had it on 3 hours later.

Walking to the car to return some bags, I saw a neighbor whom I haven't met before. I said hi enthusiastically and she responded the same but without the enthusiasm.

RV people are weirdos!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Toothbrush Procrastination

Tonight, I thought Max was going through a growth spurt because he kept asking for more things to eat.  I was so impressed and told him so. 

In an effort to manage my expectations, he clarified,

"I just really don't want to brush my teeth."

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Spongebob Buddy

Max loves the stuffed Spongebob that his Kuya Brandon gave him 2+ years ago.  He goes on long trips and short, grocery runs, too. Lately, Spongebob was looking a little disheveled so Max decided to include him in the wash cycle.