Wednesday, August 16, 2017

School Supplies

The kids and I were excited to buy school supplies,  but just found out that their school hands out the supplies (parents are urged to donate to PTA who are the ones who get the supplies).

Luckily they had the pleasure of buying one notebook each.  Can you guess who bought which notebook?

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Like a MAX!

During a water break at Jiu Jitsu, Max reported how his lesson was going.  "I took Chloe down ... Like a BOSS!!"

Here he is sparring with Chloe as she exacts her revenge.


The kids were playing in the hallway while  I fixed the kitchen and I overhead Simone say,  "Namaste day, brother, namaste day."

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sibling for Daddy

The kids and I were talking about how many cousins they and I have respectively - which is A LOT. 

Simone was lamenting though that she doesn't have many first cousins.  She said, "I wish Daddy had a sister."

Max chimed in, "He would regret it."

Simone was not pleased at his implication.

Heaven Imagined

When I was young, I imagined heaven would be a Grecian palace in the clouds.  Simone says hers is similar, except for the architecture. She thinks of God as a ginormous head of Jesus in front of a building similar to the Lincoln Memorial.

Max has an interesting vision.  "I imagine a town floating in a white espresso cup."

These kids' imaginations blow mine away.