Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Sweetest

Max had a writing assignment at school today.   He had to provide an answer for something he considers "sweet." He wrote "lollipop."  For something sweeter, he wrote "donut."  For the sweetest, he wrote "me."

You can't make this up.  But Max certainly does come up with this stuff. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

He's a Maniac

The kids were playing and Simone asked Max, "What kind of maniac are you?!"

Max: "A handsome maniac!"

The Nightmare Before Christmas

I told Michael that I wanted to go to Daisy's and he asked what it was.

I said, "Think Anthropologie's home section, but moderately affordable."

He couldn't picture it so Simone said, "Think of it as a man's worst nightmare." 🤣

Monday, November 13, 2017

How Did You Sleep?

Michael asked Simone, "How did you sleep last night?"

"I layed down in my bed."

Michael then explained the possible answers are usually, "Well, poorly, bad, so-so," not a technical description of a sleep study.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

I Remember

Max saw this photo on my desktop and commented.

I remember that day!
I remember those exact clothes!
And I remember those people!

Except for that handsome devil in the middle!