Thursday, June 5, 2014

Simone's Pre-Bday Party

I remember the joy I had when my mom came to my classroom to celebrate my 7th birthday and I want to provide that same joy to the kids when I can.  For Simone's birthday this year, we had to celebrate 2 days in advance because of the school year's ending before her actual birthdate.  Michael came along to help, too!

The kids were so excited!  They would have bum-rushed the cupcakes if we weren't standing by to shoo them away.

Simone was of course quite shy, but deep down I'm sure she was elated to have all this attention on her.

Ms. Whitley was so helpful in taking (and participating) in pictures!

The kids were begging for another cupcake, but I could already feel their energy about to explode in the classroom so I declined and we happily gobbled up the leftovers at home.

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