Friday, July 25, 2014

The Children Have Landed

This morning was the kids' first in the Washington DC area.  To be accurate, our bus was now in Maryland at another military campground.  Our plane landed at 9:20 last night and it took one hour to drive from the airport to our campground.  The kids, however, did not fall asleep!  They were so excited about their new environment.  They couldn't see much outside but it was very different compared to California and Florida.

Despite Michael's having to go to work the next day, we were all excited to be reunited and stayed up a little extra to talk to one another.  When it was finally time to sleep the kids went to their bunk beds and had their first official night sleeping in their own bed!

The first morning with the kids in a campground setting was unsettling to me.  What do I feed them!?!?!  Michael had not had the chance to run all the wiring when we were in LA so our refrigerator was still just a cooler.  Since we had come in so late the night before I had nothing prepared for the kids' breakfast.  Thank goodness for Starbucks!!

It still was not a nutritious breakfast (just a morning bun and milk) so on our agenda was to load up at the commissary, which unfortunately was not yet open.   While we waited for 9am to hit, the kids explored the campground.

We really missed my family back in LA and sent them these pictures via text, our main form of communication with them over the next few weeks.  

Our first day seemed like a page ripped from "Little House on the Prairie," but with modern clothes and no need to pump water from a well.  When washing dishes, we had to walk to the main office building that housed the laundry room and a big sink.  The kids were eager to  help and made an assembly line of drying what I had washed.  Then we walked back to our bus amidst the woods, grass, and fresh air.  Everytime we had to go to the bathroom, we had to walk to the restrooms.  It wasn't a far distance, nor was the plumbing a mere hole in the ground, but it felt as if we were walking to an outhouse.  I would describe it as luxury car camping.  Not all the amenities are available in our bus, but we have convenient plumbing nearby when we need it.  

We also have the commissary, the exchange, and the library so close to us on base!  The kids are so far loving their outdoor living.  I had made sure to pack many of their outdoor sports gear so we could take advantage of the (I'm being redundant) ... outdoors, and the kids are taking advantage of it!

We had no neighbor next to us so the kids used the empty pad to practice their roller skating!

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