Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Colombia 2015 - What Did We Do On Wednesday?


Having visited all the neighborhoods we wanted to, we were suddenly freed up to do more pokin' around near our hostel.  Near us was the supermarket Carulla.  It is more upscale than Exito, but sells only groceries and some toiletries.  I was eager to see if we could get what we are used to in the States.  I was also hopeful that there would be organic options that I had not found at Exito nor at the Mom-n-Pops.

Chicken nuggets for the kids!

Salmon filets


Pork butt?

Chicken drumsticks - where are the thighs!?!

More meat!

Creamer, American and Latin

Organic Tea!  A better selection than our Commissary at home

Bread for PB & Js

Sadly, there is no organic jelly available

I don't remember what this is, but it's available!

Papaya, my new favorite fruit

Herb garden

Cucumbers for green smoothies and zucchini to complement all the meat

Short, stubby carrots

Anjou pears!!  Colombia is livable.

Artisan bread

Limes.  Where are the lemons?

There are healthy options!

Sauce for Spaghetti and such

Ingredients for hot dish casseroles

Brown sugar to go with our greek yogurt

Popcorn to go with the telenovelas

Chicharrones, sponsered by Homer Simpson!

Organic Ketchup!!!  Hoorah!

Colombian Ketchup comes in bags!

At least I can dip the funky sushi in good ole Kikkoman soy sauce

Mac and Cheese for lazy cooking nights

Don't forget your processed meat in a can!

I've seen these pasta brands in America!

Rechargeable batteries

Whew!  Mexican food just like home.

I can make Thai curry with the coconut milk options!

Comfort Drinks

Carulla shopping cart

Carulla kid cart

New Nightlife?

After a good nap, we worked out and then dressed up to check out the nightlife north of Parque Lleras.  Even arriving at a club at 10pm was too early.  And we were too old to wait around for the club to get livelier.  So what do old people do when they need something to do?  Eat!

Incredible thin crust pizza at Al Rojo

We shared a pizza at a nice restaurant and were pleasantly surprised at how delicious and scrumptious it was.  It came as a thin crust, our favorite kind of pizza, and so many ingredients were piled on top of it.  It felt decadent!  Instead of drowning the bread in sauce, they piled on diced tomatoes along with the ham and cheese.  It tasted so fresh! This is what Colombia does well: thin crust pizza!  Who knew?

We decided to visit Envy a night early and got lucky with a good crowd and music.  We should have never ventured away from Parque Lleras, where everyone else congregates!  Our nightlife was where it had been all along!

LED Backlit menu.  I am envious!

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