Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Slow Cooker Success

I used to associate slow cookers with working mothers who need to efficiently get their family home and get dinner ready at a reasonable hour.  I never think of stay-at-home moms who are home to watch the pot as the yummy ingredients simmer to perfection.
But I have changed my perception of who uses a slow cooker.  I prepared a chicken enchilada soup at 10 am.  I left and came home at 2 and it was complete.   My day suddenly opened up!   No more did I dread the arrival of 4pm which is when I usually start fretting over dinner.  You know what I did at 4pm?  I went to the store with the kids and did some shopping.  F. U. N!
I don't think I've ever seen a recipe for Sinigang (tamarind soup) in a slow cooker, but I think I'm going to develop it and right a cookbook all dedicated to my new friend the slow cooker.

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