Friday, April 29, 2016

Southern Snow Plow

It has not snowed for weeks but Simone just now declared that a construction worker outside the car window "has the same snow plow that we do."

I look where she is gazing and see a man with a short square-headed shovel. I was confused until I realized that that was the  tool Michael would use when we was clearing the driveway of snow this past Winter.

It's funny how things get misnomered. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Correlation Between Teachers and Facility

I noticed that the last place the kids took swimming lessons was very spartan.  There were no kid water structures as we've now seen all over the DMV pool centers.  The teachers were not nurturing nor encouraging to the kids.  When a kid hesitated at the task at hand, they responded very dryly, "C'mon, do it."

We are now in Maryland at a facility that  houses not only 1 slide, but 2!! The teachers have a friendly disposition and introduce steps slowly.  Max no longer looks to me and shouts, "Mommy, I want to get out!" He actually can't wait until the next lesson!

Monday, April 25, 2016

It Has Begun

I need reading glasses now!  I used to be near sighted until I had Lasix.  The doctors warned that I'll experience a change in trying to read things up close at around 40.  Here it is.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hamburger Press

I always poo-pooed hamburger presses because making patties didn't seem so difficult.  But I can around to Michael's insistence that they would make burgers more delicious.  OK, really ... I made wonky batch a few months ago and the inconsistency annoyed me.

Enter the Hamburger Press.

And I was doubly happy!  My first patties were stuffed with blue cheese, and Michael now wanted to prepare the burgers on his own!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Rockin' Style

I don't direct Simone's on her outfits anymore.  I don't think I have for the past 3 years. 

I really dug her outfit today.  Her leopard leggings with jorts were already funky , but then she insisted keeping her knee pads on after ice skating.  I said, "Why not?!"  I realized she looked like a slick roller derby girl! 

Ice Skaters!

I didn't realize the kids were going be tested on their last day of ice skating class.  Both passed!!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Slow Cooker Mac N Cheese

This is my 4th attempt to use the slow cooker to make mac-n-cheese from scratch that looks like the Kraft box kind.  Every attempt before produced a baked casserole looking version and the kids thought it too dry.  The last one looked good at 1-1/2 hours but I made the mistake of keeping the pasta in the pot and that caused all the sauce to soak into the macaroni, leaving it dry tasting. 

This time I'm taking the pasta out immediately after it's cooked!

Gourmet Burgers

Who says you can't have gourmet burgers in a tiny shelter?  We live it up sometime with our hamburger press, a few splashes of beer, organic pasture-raised ground beef, blue cheese, garlic, onion and Old Bay seasoning. Sometimes it feels like we're vacationing and really we're just hanging out on a regular Sunday.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Batten Down the Hatches!

The rain has gone but the wind is still blowing.  When we have inclement weather, we lower our canopy to protect the bikes and generator from rain and to decrease the lift on the tarp from the wind.  I can't wait until the canopy is up because it means  beautiful weather!