Thursday, June 30, 2016


Max has been on a kick of experimenting with anything he can find that will fit in this cup.  He even included Lego figures!  I was always fearful that his cauldron of spices, food coloring, moisturizers, and leaves, would spill in the bus.  Yesterday, his food coloring splattered a little but on my white dress. 

After 3 days of  experimentation, I told him, "No more experiments!" Science would have to take a big break!  But then Max protested ...

"But Mommy!  Experimenting is playing!"

Ugh, he's right.  I may have a future scientist in my hands and I'm worried about my white dress that I can always bleach.  Science will only take a teeny, tiny break.

To vs. Too

Our lesson in homophones quickly deteriorated to scatological depths.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What I Put Up With

Max was confiding in me this morning about (I forget about what).  Simone overheard our inaudible whispering and demanded we tell her.  Keeping Max's confidence, I told her I couldn't.  True to Simone's tenacity, she insisted.  Max then turned to me and, in a low voice, said,

"Do you see what I have to put up with everyday?"

Kid problems.

Pool Kids

These kids have it made!  They get to swim everyday and sometimes get lunch but the pool!

I hope they remember this when they're mad at me for not buying them a toy at the checkout line.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Forks and Oven Mitts

Max asked me about our ancestors.  At first I thought he was talking about folks in the Middle Ages.

Max: "Back in the day, when our ancestors didn't have forks and spoons, did they have to use their hands to drink their soup?"

Me: "I guess so."

Max: "Did they have oven mitts?"

Me: "Oven mitts? ... Wait.  Are you talking about ancestors like those in the Middle Ages or something?"

Max: "No, I'm talking about the ones before - our hairy ancestors."

Me: "..."

Max wanted to know if the primates from which homo sapiens evolved had invented oven mitts to combat the temperature of hot bowls of soup.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

A Boy and His Bacon

For Father's Day, we went to the Army Navy Club!  When we got up to start the buffet, I headed to the soup area, grabbed some tortilla soup and placed my bowl at our table.  I then realized something felt awry. 

I'm usually not feeling carefree to get whatever I want for my first round of the buffet.  I remembered I usually help Max decide what to get.  As I looked around to locate my son, I found him safe and sound at the bacon tray helping himself all by himself

It's such a relief he's becoming more independent.  I just need to talk to him about portion control.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fancy Milk

Simone has a fascination recently with wine glasses.  She wants to drink milk out of one. 


This is going to sound terrible but I didn't take the kids to their well-check doctors visit last year.

The good news is that they're healthy and were already up to date with their vaccinations.  We did find out that Max is allergic to penicillin when he took amoxicillin two weeks ago for his strep throat.  Otherwise, they're growing like weeds!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Father's Day

One thing my dad taught me was that it's sometimes worth it to wake up early to catch the sunrise.  I remember when I was 9 and we went on a road trip to the Grand Canyon, among other Southwest destinations.  My dad woke us up at around 5am and all I wanted to do was get back to sleep, dreaming about Ricky Schroeder. 

When the sun finally peaked above the  horizon, even I marveled at the beauty this world has to offer ... and that my father was right in waking us up so early.

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Another Nut

Simone is also a nut!  Especially in front if the camera.

Family Photos

When I was young, I loved to make funny faces during family photos.  Back then, my mischief could not be discovered until the film had been processed, picked up, and viewed. 

My parents would tell me I ruined the photos, but I think I made them more interesting

Photo Bombing Predecessor

I know where Max got his tendencies to photo bomb pictures ...


Friday, June 10, 2016


This might have been the moment I realized Santa does not live in the North Pole, nor even be real. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wine and Dine

Michael had never tried lobster before our  11th anniversary.   I had tried it,  but hated it.  Maybe the East Coast lobster is the key because we tried lobster tail for our anniversary dinner and loved it! 

We went to a local mom-and-pop restaurant this past Sunday and had a great meal with the kids.   Michael ate an entire locate this time and made sure I had enough wine available.

Simone is 9!

I asked Simone what it felt like to be 9-years-old.   She said it was OK.   Then thinking I was out of earshot,  she confided in her brother, "When I woke up,  I tried to feel what '8' is but I couldn't. "

Monday, June 6, 2016


I was explaining the word "horrific" to Simone and she gave me an example.

"I know what's horrific ... Your rules."