Thursday, December 29, 2016

Green Car - Literal Edition

Near our bus is a car that does not have its stock finish.  It might be painted underneath, but we can't tell because this car is covered in green carpet.

I wonder if this was the effect of a drunken night or, perish the thought, a sober one.

First words

The kids have been asking what their first words were.  I looked back at my blogs and realized I hadn't dedicated a blog to it.  So through detective work, I think Max's first word was "Ba."  I don't have  documentation but I'm pretty sure hers was "Ma."

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Subject Refusal

I needed to teach Simone that every sentence has a predicate (verb) and a subject.  I didn't think Max was too young to learn it.  He could at least be introduced to the idea.

Well, he was not interested.  He wanted to spell and write so I let him and would return to Grammar later. 

When he was done writing, he shared his thoughts.

As Michael said, "I should have known something was afoot when he asked, 'How do you spell fuck?'"

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Simone the Lyricist

Simone comes up with the funniest lyric changes:

"Yankee Doodle had a poodle. He stuck it in his nose.  When he pulled it out, he had a booger with some toes."

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Half Hippie

The kids were asking what "hippies" are.  We talked about hippie ideals and what they usually look (and smell) like.  I told them that I never set out to be a hippie, but I care about the same things they do so I'm a bit of an accidental one. Simone then commented,

"I think Daddy is a partial hippie because his armpits stink."

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Amazing Launderers!

The most amazing thing has happened.  Last night I told Michael and the kids that laundry needs to be done soon.
This morning, Simone started sorting the laundry herself!  Then she recruited Max and then (!) ... the two of them headed to the laundry room by themselves!!!!

All I had to do was say something needed to be done soon and they did it!  Hallelujah and Hazzah!

Note: Simone looks angry because she had to take time to pose for a photo and she wanted to get on with the laundry.  No really, that's what she told me!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

When Daddies Are In Charge

Michael has been taking care of the household while I recuperate and he has been putting the kids to work!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Great caretakers

We took a walk yesterday and it was coooold!!!!!

The kids fought over being the one to push me on the wheelchair. 

Simone ran me over some holes and almost into the side of the road.  Max kept cutting off Michael's path. 

It was get to get out of the bus.  The kids might take me out for a walk again this afternoon if it stops raining.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Bunion Banished ...

... Breakfast Bestowed!

The family has been very great at taking care of me.  I woke up this morning and 5 minutes later, Simone handed me the waffles she had prepared. 

And just now she handed me a cup of Coffee!

Simone is so awesome! 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Phantom Menace

I had decided to show the kids the Star Wars movies in the order that I had scene it.   They enjoyed episodes 4, 5, and 6 and I felt that maybe we could just move forward and ignore the first three that I had seen by jumping to Episode 7.

They enjoyed 7, but I made the mistake of talking about Luke and Leia's mom.   That ignited a curiosity and now ... we're watching Episode 1.

I hated it when I saw it opening night because there had been so much hype and joyful anticipation.   I was disappointed.   Maybe it was because of the expectations.   Maybe it was just real ready bad.  

Now I get to see it again but through the eyes of many young kids.   The things that excited me (Luke Amidala's costumes bore them).  The biggest shock is that the character whose presence onscreen and awkward voice annoyed me so much on opening night is Max's favorite character.  

Perspective is so interesting!

The Cow

Simone and Max finally started playing Minecraft.  They've been aware of its presence but had not actually played it until last week.

Simone has been making several worlds.  This morning she made a new one and told me about it. 

"Mommy, I made a new town!  I called it 'The Cow.'  Don't worry, it's not named after you."

Good to know. 😐

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Super powers

Simone thought that it was unspectacular that superheroes just shove villains aside to beat them.  She wishes they were more creative and did things like puke bombs.

Max chimed in his thoughts. "I know what the Incredible Hulk's superpower is.  Ripping off pants."

Pizza Rolls

I told Max that we were having Pizza Rolls for dinner and he asked for clarification, "Are those the pillows of meat?"

Why, yes.  Yes they are!