Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Near Death Experience

My computer almost died!

That's part of the reason why I haven't written a post in a while.  I was busy trying to revive my computer that 4 months ago warned me its hard disk was facing imminent failure.

To make a long story short, I decided to replace the hard drive with what's called a solid-state drive, or SSD, and to re-install all the files and programs I backed up.  It took a while and I went a couple of days without easy access to the internet.  It felt like surgery!

Not all went well, but the only glitch is a small one.  My wireless card no longer works so I have to hook up to the internet old school style with an actual cable.  That's ok.  I actually stay put more than I thought I would - so much so that I contemplated getting a desktop!

Now that I'm back into the groove of things, I'll be able to post more about our family's going-ons.

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