Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hooray for Self-Sufficiency!

Hooray for Self-Sufficiency in children - particularly in my children!

Simone and Max now know how to take a shower by themselves!  What a relief it is to not have to do this extra chore.  They also like it so much that they want to shower more often than when I would bathe them.

The kids' shower/tub had a beautiful shower curtain that depicted ocean life under the ocean.  I put it down immediately because it was in my way when I would scrub the kids in a bath.  Then at about November 2013, I got fed up with bathing them because they relished in splashing and making a mess.  They also started fighting with each other more so I decreed that there would be no more baths for the rest of 2013.

Then about 3 days ago, I thought, "Simone can take a shower by herself - she's almost 7 years old!"  She was excited to do something independently and did well.  Her hair still had shampoo in it but after washing it a second time, she remembered that she has to scrub her hair extra well to get the soap out.

When Max saw that Simone was having a new adventure, he insisted on trying it!  It went well too! However, the second time he showered was so much fun (i.e. less of a mystery) that he wanted to stay in for a long time playing with the water.  He would stick is butt into the stream of the water and giggle, "It tickles!!!"

These milestones may seem trivial, but they are momentous for a mom!

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