Saturday, October 31, 2015

Camping Oven

1 year after having bought our Weber grill, I'm happy to report that it has exceeded our expectations!   We now also use it for our baking needs!  Halloween is going to be tastier than usual!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Litter Lady

The kids were fighting over a slinky one day while we were driving in the car to the laundromat.   Simone had brought Max's toy to the car without Max's permission.  Max was furious and they bickered and threw punches in the back seat.  I warned them that of they didn't stop fighting I was going to take that slinky and throw it out the window.  

I thought I had struck fear into their hearts.   Obedience was imminent, I thought.  

What I got was this retort from Max:
"If you do that Mommy,  you're littering!"

Well, he got me there. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Lack of Enthusiasm

Brandon just turned 11 and from the look on his face, I only have 3 years left before Simone gets tired of my kisses.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


In Tagalog exists a word for one's "group of friends": Barkada.  They're you're favorite posse and it feels like home when you hang out with them. I think the kids' is at Ft. Meade.  Here's about 2/3rds of the crew.  

Halloween Ramp Up!

These two are on the lookout for anyone who isn't the Halloween Spirit.  You've been warned.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I recently taught Simone (and Max, but I doubt he was paying attention) to the concept of something being commutative.  When a process is commutative it doesn't matter which order things are done.  This applies to addition.  You can add the numbers in whatever order and you will still get the same answer.  This is not so with subtraction.

The book we were reading gave examples of non-commutative processes.  The order that you put your socks and shoes is important.  So is brushing your teeth and heading to the bathroom.  You have to do one thing before the next part can be done.  Do give them another example of something that is not commutative, I said, "You wouldn't put your pants on first and then your underwear, right?"

They agreed with a giggle, but before I could continue with the rest of the reading Simone thoughtfully added ...

"Unless you're a superhero."

Friday, October 2, 2015

Work Out More, Mommy!

We went to a new LA Fitness that opened up close to our bus than the original gym we joined.  I dropped off the kids in a pleasant-looking childcare room with some play structures that resembled a cartoon forest and then danced my heart out at a Zumba class.

After a good hour of shaking my bootie and sweating off the Kettle chips I ate the night before, I retrieved the kids from the gym's care ... much to the disappointment of Simone.  She must have been having a great time because she asked me to work out more.  I could see what intrigued her about the room. Not only were there nice, smiling kids playing calmly, but there were little cars that Simone has always loved to play in (their movement is propelled by the child's feet a-la-Flinstones) since she was a wee one. 

But I had dinner to make and it was getting dark.  Ok, ok.   I had no desire to work out more.  Simone though wanted to use all her debate skills to buy more time to play.  So after I told her no, we have to go home, she retorted ...

"But Mommy!  You're still fat!"
