Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I recently taught Simone (and Max, but I doubt he was paying attention) to the concept of something being commutative.  When a process is commutative it doesn't matter which order things are done.  This applies to addition.  You can add the numbers in whatever order and you will still get the same answer.  This is not so with subtraction.

The book we were reading gave examples of non-commutative processes.  The order that you put your socks and shoes is important.  So is brushing your teeth and heading to the bathroom.  You have to do one thing before the next part can be done.  Do give them another example of something that is not commutative, I said, "You wouldn't put your pants on first and then your underwear, right?"

They agreed with a giggle, but before I could continue with the rest of the reading Simone thoughtfully added ...

"Unless you're a superhero."

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