Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Math Minute

The kids resemble Michael and me very much.  As different as he and I are with our love / hate relationship with Math (I love it,  Michael would like to throw all math books in the fiery depths of Hell),  so are Max and Simone.
Max told me there's only one manner in which he wants to be like me, "I want to be smart in Math!"  Simone's eyes,  however,  glaze into a daze when I talk about addition and subtraction.
Yesterday morning,  I tested Max on addition past the combinations of 5 and he did so well!   "Max, what's 6 + 2?"  He took one second and then shouted, "8!!!"  I asked him how he knew that and he said his brain counted it.
Later in the day,  we were driving in the car and I decided to practice with Simone some subtraction.  I asked her, "Simone,  what's 10 - 2?"  Her response to me was, "Whyyyy?"

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