Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Simone is Sick?

I used to think the worst time to be sick was at Thanksgiving.   But I now know there is a worse time if you are a child ... Halloween.
Simone had a slight fever the All Hallow's Eve's eve.  It subsided during Halloween Day, but after trick or treating, she came down with a major fever that persisted for two more days.  
We took her to an urgent care and that was inconclusive because they said it wasn't Strep Throat nor the flu.  They sent us on our way home with the instructions  to do BRAT.

Our visit was actually not so harrowing as evidenced by these jovial pictures! 


  1. As someone who is currently sick, I have a lot of empathy towards Simone. Glad she was able to trick or treat and can put on a smile at the doctor's.

  2. As someone who is currently sick, I have a lot of empathy towards Simone. Glad she was able to trick or treat and can put on a smile at the doctor's.
