Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fire and ice

This is the view of the campground from the top of the hill at the bathrooms.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowpocalypse 2016

Last year, the first flurries of snow came on Thanksgiving and the kids enjoyed blankets of snow the first weeks of January.  This year, however, the snow was delayed.  When it arrived however, it made up for its delay.

Coffee, Tea for Me

I have really been enjoying the lavender and chamomile tea that Michael gave me for Christmas that it is almost gone!  Too bad.  It's such a pretty tea - and delicious too.

Friday, January 22, 2016

First Class Hubby

Michael is really taking care of me.  He's making me salads, brewing tea, helping me remember when to take my medication, propping my leg properly, and taking me out around town in the wheelchair!  The best gesture was last night when my alarm for medication went off.  I needed something to eat and I asked for a bowl of carrots.  He said, "Why don't I surprise you?"  Here's what he presented:

Monday, January 18, 2016


My recovery from my bunionectomy has been good overall!  There was a bit of a snag on the first and second day after the surgery.  

While I had rejoiced in being able to flex my calf muscles and wiggle my toes a little bit, I did not welcome the emergence of pain I felt in my big toe and the place of incision.  I was taking my percocet as prescribed by my doctor, but the pain was increasing.  It also didn't help that I sat up more than usual and had let my foot dangle for about an hour.  I had been bold with my activity because I had not experienced much pain the first day.  

I was really paying for it the morning of the second day post-op and my supply of percocet was dwindling.  I had not slept easily that night because the pain was throbbing more and becoming more acute. Luckily, I called the doctor in time to get a prescription filled out for more pain killers.  Unfortunately, Michael had to drive to the doc's office which was 1 hour away.  With potentially addicting medication, doctors can no longer fax in a prescription.  They have to be handwritten, picked up and delivered in person to the pharmacy.  My wonderful husband retrieved the meds without complaint.  He also brought home a care package of chocolate and pringles, essentials to my personal wellness regiment!

My mom-in-law called to check up on me and advised that I take Ibuprofen in between the percocet doses.  I think this was the saving grace in my pain management.  I started taking it while Michael was gone 5 hours trying to get the percocet refill and it relieved me enough to allow me to sleep.  

Despite the discomfort, I'm glad I'm doing this surgery now as a young / less-old woman.  I'll be dancing and running amock in no time!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Concrete Wine

For Christmas, Michael gave me a bottle of Chardonnay aged in a way we've never heard of before.  It's usually stored in an oak barrel or a stainless steel vat, but this batch was stored in ...

... Concrete!

It was a good!  It did not have the gritty texture I feared it would, nor did it have an aftertaste of silica I suspected it might.  We finished it the night we opened it.  

Thank you, Honey, for my wonderful gift!  


My surgery went well!  They warned that if during surgery my big toe wasn't straight, they would have to cut it to do so.  They didn't.
So now my foot is wrapped up in a cocoon and will hopefully emerge looking like a girl's foot - not the wacky flipper it was.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Goodbye Bunion

This is the last picture of my bunion before the doctor chops it off.  I hope I never see it again!!!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Rockin' New Years Eve

This video exemplifies how Max, Simone and I struggled to stay awake at the end of 2015

Friday, January 1, 2016

Would You Rather

The kids are playing ,"Would You Rather."  I just heard Lauren ask Simone, " Would you rather jump off a cliff ... or go to church?"