Monday, January 18, 2016


My recovery from my bunionectomy has been good overall!  There was a bit of a snag on the first and second day after the surgery.  

While I had rejoiced in being able to flex my calf muscles and wiggle my toes a little bit, I did not welcome the emergence of pain I felt in my big toe and the place of incision.  I was taking my percocet as prescribed by my doctor, but the pain was increasing.  It also didn't help that I sat up more than usual and had let my foot dangle for about an hour.  I had been bold with my activity because I had not experienced much pain the first day.  

I was really paying for it the morning of the second day post-op and my supply of percocet was dwindling.  I had not slept easily that night because the pain was throbbing more and becoming more acute. Luckily, I called the doctor in time to get a prescription filled out for more pain killers.  Unfortunately, Michael had to drive to the doc's office which was 1 hour away.  With potentially addicting medication, doctors can no longer fax in a prescription.  They have to be handwritten, picked up and delivered in person to the pharmacy.  My wonderful husband retrieved the meds without complaint.  He also brought home a care package of chocolate and pringles, essentials to my personal wellness regiment!

My mom-in-law called to check up on me and advised that I take Ibuprofen in between the percocet doses.  I think this was the saving grace in my pain management.  I started taking it while Michael was gone 5 hours trying to get the percocet refill and it relieved me enough to allow me to sleep.  

Despite the discomfort, I'm glad I'm doing this surgery now as a young / less-old woman.  I'll be dancing and running amock in no time!

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