Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ice Skating Lessons!

Last Fall, I felt I needed to get the kids in more activities than they usually have been.  After having enjoyed the friendships of the fellow campkids at Fort Meade, I sensed that Simone and Max would miss seeing other kids once we left for Fort Belvoir.  One of the activities that aligned with our schedule was ice skating lessons!

The kids were excited to try it, especially Max, who requested he  learn how to play hockey.  I told my friend Sherrie about the lessons and she warned that it would be expensive should they pursue it.  If the kids like it and do well in it, I think we'll find a way to pay for them.  For now, they are very affordable because we take the lessons through a county program at a recreational center.  

This class is geared towards homeschoolers so the kids in the class range from age 6 to 12.  Max was not only the youngest, but the smallest.  At first he was the slowest, but he kept on getting up and practicing his "marching."  One might admire the resilience of Max's determination to keep trying despite the number of falls he endured, but I noticed he was falling down with a little too much glee.  Either it was the comic in him trying to get some laughs or it was the stunt devil in him practicing his acting.  

Simone did well right away.  She had skated before when we were in Alameda and this tiny rink was set up in 80 degree December day.  She had done well, but that was well over 4 years ago so I wasn't sure if the muscle memory had stuck.  It did!  She was gliding pretty quickly!

When the class was done, the kids requested to partake in the public skate session that followed.  I obliged ... for a little bit.  We had to go see the tax preparer and stop by Target.  The kids were bummed that they could only skate for an extra 10 minutes.  This made me happy that they liked their lessons!!

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