Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fresh Off the Boat - foreign food

I am enjoying the show Fresh Off the Boat.  The Tiger Mom reminds me of mine so much!  The trials and travails the oldest son Eddie (also the narrator) goes through are so parallel to mine!  In one scene, Eddie brings homemade noodles for lunch.  His new classmates wail in disgust as they smell the foreign aroma from Eddie's meal.  It reminds me when I brought some Polvoron to school.  I had planned to enjoy the two pieces during recess.  Feeling generous, I gave my second piece to Lisa so she could try the delicious treat.  She took one bite and spit it out.  She exclaimed how terrible it is.  Luckily she gave her leftovers back to me and I got to enjoy the rest, but I was very embarrassed.

And mad!  Polvoron is delicious!  You don't spit that mana from heaven out of your mouth!  Blasphemy!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Taking the Plunge

Max is very fascinated by the plunger in the bathroom.  Tonight, he had a session on the toilet.  He was on the throne for 10 minutes and that's on the short side.  He likes to be there for at least 20! 

After he reluctantly wiped his butt, he got up and inspected the toilet bowl's contents.  Nothing spectacular.  He flushed the toilet and stared into the whirlpool. After a few seconds, he realized the toilet was clogged. 

"COOL!!!  It's clogged!  I get to use the plunger!" 

I asked Max why he likes the plunger so much.  He replied, "You get to push down on it and it's not something you get to do often."

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Virtual Friends

Simone wants to have online friends and it terrifies me.  There are a lot of weirdos out there!  Luckily the computer she's on is here in the Living Room.   So we can keep an eye out on her online activity.  

She's now asking if when she finishes 6th Grade, can she start having online friends.  😓 

I used to hate this answer but now I use it all the time, "We'll see."

Neighborhood Kids

I didn't think there was a girl out there who is more shy than Simone, but there is!  Ava is not only Simone's classmate, but our neighbor!

Yesterday,  Simone, Max, Ava and her little sister Sophia rode their bikes to a nearby park playground.  They spent extra time out and about because the library was next to the playground.

I really love living in Alameda.  It's like a snapshot out of the 1950s!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Memories of Our Ancestors

I was not excited to see "Coco" when I saw its trailer.  I thought, "How terrible that Disney is trying to copy The Book of Life!"  But I have been proven wrong in my first impression!  Coco is such a beautiful movie. 

Its message was that keeping your ancestors' memories alive is what the real paradise is for those who have passed on. 

I have talked about writing down the stories of my ancestors.  I think it's high time to start.  When I was a kid, my parents would tell us stories of their parents and siblings.  Many times, we asked that they repeat certain stories.  I've told my kids those stories and they have found them amusing.  I bet their kids and their kids' kids will too.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hair Dressed

Simone loves to play with her daddy's hair.  Max likes it when she plays with his hair too.  Max hates his hair to look handsome, unless Simone tells him she's making his hair weird. She'll then fix it in a cool way (unintentionally) and then he'll run around telling everyone his hair is funky.  We have to fight to urge to tell him he looks handsome. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

When You're Not Sick

It seems the kids do listen to what I say.  You wouldn't think that was the case when I have to tell them every night that they need to put their dirty clothes in the hamper. 

Today I was sickly.  Although I no longer had a fever, I was able to move about.  But my excursions were riddled with coughing and snot-snorts.   In need of milk and school snacks, I brought the kids with me to the grocery store.  I went one route to get vegetables, milk, and other food; the kids went another to pick out their treats and snacks.

When we met up somewhere in the soup aisle, they placed their delicious goodies in my cart.  My mouth watered at the sight of the M&Ms and frosted cookies they had chosen, but I resisted the urge to have some because ... well, they weren't payed for yet.  When we got to the car, however, and I was putting the groceries in the trunk, my eyes again zeroed in on the sweets.  Max asked if he could have the cookies on the way home and I happily obliged.  I immediately asked if I could have one and I got this answer:

"NO!  You're sick."

Darn it, these kids listen to me at the wrong time!  Later that night I asked for some M&Ms and Max this time said yes.  But this yes was followed up with "... when you're not sick anymore."

Clever little kiddos.