Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Max is 4 years old!

Our little feller turned 4 years old today!  Birthdays past have barely registered with him, but this year was different.  He contemplated what time of birthday "cake" he wanted, the flavor it would be, and the colors.  He was more vocal about what he wanted for his birthday!

Max continued to play an active role in executing his birthday cupcakes.

On the morning of his birthday, we let him open the presents that Tita Grace, Tito Derrick, Brandon and Lauren gave him.  It was after dropping off Simone at school that he and I returned home to decorate his birthday.  This day was also a sad one for Max because it was the last day that his preschool teacher Miss Jessica would be teaching his Sports and Arts classes.  He claimed it was the worst birthday he had ever had, but the celebrations that continued in the evening lifted his spirits.

Although Max picked out the strawberry cake mix, he was more into the color than the taste and refused to eat it after devouring the frosting.  You can see in the picture below which one Max ate.

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