Friday, March 20, 2015

Bus - Drought

When Michael worked on fixing the bus's electric system, he had to turn off all the electricity coming from the campground.  This requires flipping the breaker switches.  After Michael fixed it, he forgot to turn on the 20amp switch which heated our water supply.  That night we had 5 inches of snow fall and we assumed that our lack of water was from the temperatures being so low.

For the whole day, I just waited for the sun to warm up our hose.  I also installed a heater in our bay where the water comes in.  Around midday, I used Michael's creative suggestion and melted snow to soak our dirty dishes.

As the sun sank lower in the sky, however, I became impatient and wanted water more immediately.   I unscrewed our water hose from the campgrounds service spigot and anticipated free-flowing liquid.  Nope.  It was frozen!!  Long story short, Michael realized that his not turning on the 20 amp had caused the water in our hose to freeze.  

Michael planned to stop at the convenience store for any supplies we might need, but there was no need!  Within 1-1/2 hours the water was warm again and flowing freely through the faucets and toilet.  

Those few days without the conveniences of life in the dead of winter can really humble a person.  When Simone had shouted, "We have water!"  I was as relieved as I had been when Michael returned from the West Coast.  I had the same emotional moment when the refrigerator turn back on.  I cherish modern technology!!!

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