Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Importance of Commas

Max noticed something interesting while looking outside our bus window.  He exclaimed, "LOOK!  It's a pretty fat bird!"

The grammar policewoman in me asked Max to clarify.  "Max, is it a 'pretty, fat bird' meaning it's pretty and it's also fat?  Or did you mean that it's a bird that's incredibly fat that it's a 'pretty fat bird?'"

"I mean it's a pretty bird and it's fat.    Just like you, Mommy!"

I think I'm glad I clarified.

1 comment:

  1. This story reminded me to visit your blog! Well, hearing about it did. Tita Rose asked me if I've read this one and it reminded me how long it's been since I last binge-read your blog! Love your writing and humor as always, tita Gigi.. And you clearly passed them on to your kids! :p
