Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Eucerin and Bananas

If my kids ever need to see a psychiatrist, I know what part of their conversation with be about.  They will complain that their mother had a thing for bananas and eucerin.

First off ... Bananas.

I try to have healthy snacks and sweets in the house.  Not only do I want the kids to have good nutrition, but also because I myself will devour any junk food that happens to be in the house.  The kids' appetites are growing and I'm hearing their requests for snacks more often throughout the day.  Sometimes I am out of ideas.  Ok, many times, I'm about to do something - like cook a meal or go run - and my lack of creativity is truly just an abundance of laziness to do more than one thing at a time.  So when the kids ask for something to eat, I'm more often than not saying, "Go eat a banana."  This phrase will probably ring in their heads till the end of time.

Up next .... Eucerin.

The cold weather has our delicate skin battling sensational levels of dryness.  In our tiny home, we have liquidy lotion from Jergens, but this is not enough sometimes when instant relief is vital.  Enter Eucerin, the tub of solid oiliness that has saved our lips and cheeks from the bitterest of cold.  "Mommy, my lips hurt,"  "Get the Eucerin."  "Mommy, Daddy said my ears will fall off because they're so red." "Eucerin it!"  

I'm guessing this list will only expand.  I don't remember my mom having cure-alls for my sister and me during childhood and maybe that's a good sign that I haven't psychologically affected Max and Simone too much.

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