Sunday, August 9, 2015

IHOP musings

The kids and I went to IHOP one morning and gorged on pancakes.  After Max and I had finished, Simone was still working on her meal and found something interesting.  She asked us to look at her plate and said excitedly,

"Look what happens when I press my fork on my pancake!"

Lots of syrup oozed out and I thought we could talk about saturation.  I asked her,  "What do you think all that oozing tells you?"

She said, "It says, 'Yuummyy!"

Another time that we had dined at IHOP, Simone declared at the end of her meal, "I'm a 'teddy human!'"

I had no idea what she meant so I asked her to clarify.

She said, "I'm stuffed!  But I'm not a bear."

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