Sunday, August 2, 2015

New Campground

It's fascinating how pavement can vastly improve one's mood.

We moved to a different campsite in July and the upgrade in the condition of the roads is amazing!  At our previous campsite, only the pads on which the RVs parked was paved.  Everything else was a gravel road.  It was fine enough for riding a bike -  in fact, this is where Max learned how to ride his bike - but forget about using one's scooter or roller skating.

Now at our new campsite, the kids can do all three sports!

This site also has so many more families with kids Simone and Max's age.  Unfortunately, our kids are so shy that it's difficult for them to play with the plethora of kids running around.  They say hello, but never approach the kids and ask to join in.

We're here for another month.  Hopefully they'll start getting used to the new kids.  

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