Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Max's Opinion of People

Max and I were talking about animals when we visited the store Outdoor World.  He was asking why animals become extinct.  I told him that some people treat the planet badly and that destroys the environment and homes of animals.  He thought about it for a minute and then said, "I care about the planet I think because I don't drink beer."

A few weeks later, I reminded him that he had said that.  All I was expecting was a yes or no answer from him.  He did say yes, but he also clarified, "People who drink beer are crazy and lazy."

I have no idea how he came up with this opinion.

This afternoon, Simone and I were talking about herbivores vs.  carnivores.  I informed her that there's also the classification of a pescavore for animals that eat only fish.  I then added the -tarian suffix to show her how to label humans and their chosen diet.  Then I asked her, "So knowing that, what do we call someone who eats meat?"  I became stumped because I realized that the word wouldn't be carnitarian.  Or would it?  I've been called a carnivore, but I haven't heard "carnitarian."

But Max came to the rescue and said, "Somone who eats meat is 'Fat and Lazy!'"

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