Friday, March 11, 2016

I Gave In

Max did not enjoy his first swimming lesson.  He declared out loud that he did not want to do the tasks.  I think the teacher finds him the most annoying - more difficult than the autistic kid. 

I tried to be cheerful, but he also got on my nerves that I gladly ignored him when another homeschooling mom started talking to me.  After class the teacher said it was OK that I go hide in a corner so we can see if Max does better without my presence. 

The thing is that he did try the tasks a little bit.  He just made it known to everyone that he hated it and that his mommy is annoying.  The teacher even picked him up and he held onto the edge in protest.  What a rebel ... Just like his mommy.

In the locker room, he wailed and repeatedly told the world that he hates it when things are hard.  On the car ride home he did not let up.  There was no reasoning with him.  Reminding him that he used to find scooters and bicycles hard did not help.

But there was hope in appealing to his taste buds. 

I promised him that whenever he did his class without whining, then he could get a treat at the bakery on the way home.  He immediately paused in his tirade and said ever-so-sweetly-and-softly, "oooo kaaay."

I hope he doesn't develop an unhealthy reward relationship with sweets just because his mama was tired of doing real discipline.


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