Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Trivia Time

Simone recently made up a game in which family members competed to answer questions about her.  Max beat me and Michael, but I think it's because he would shout his answers as he raised his hand.  Ok, ok ... he does know his sister very well so his wins are legit.

Max enjoyed the game that he made up his own questions and Simone and I competed.  I already forgot who won, but I could not forget how memorable his answer key was.

His questions were:
1) What do monkeys like?
2) Which shopkin is really two shopkins?
3) What is something on a bunny?
4) What is a fierce animal?

His answers were from left to right:

1) Trees
2) "Cheeky Cherries"
3) Ears
4) Gorilla.  

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