Saturday, October 5, 2013


Grammy sent the kids a package full of gifts!  What was the occasion?  Just that she loves them is all!  And the kids loved the presents back.

Take the picture already, Mommy!  I want to open this box!

See how Simone chucks the packaging (the white blur on the right)
away to get to the goodies.

"Oooo!  What's this?"

Thank you, Grammy!

They both got glow in the dark Pez dispensers and Fall-themed wood placards with markers for coloring them.  Max got a pencil box in which he stored his candy and these light-up binoculars for checking out things at night!  Max was so excited that he asked to go to the jungle as soon as possible.

Simone got a Rainbow Loom!  They have been all the rage at our local Michael's stores and, if we had broadcast TV, I bet we would see them all over our screens as well.  Anyway Simone loves it.  She quickly made bracelets for everyone in the family.  One of the cool accessories that Grammy sent was glow-in-the-dark rubber bands with which we promptly made bracelets and tested them out in a dark closet.  That night, as the kids were falling asleep, they were amazed at the little light their new adornments made.

After Simone made bracelets for her cousins and her Grammy, she moved on to the other people in her life - her schoolmates!  Actually, the first recipient was Simone's teacher, Ms. Whitley.  Then a classmate asked to have the one she was wearing.  Simone is a generous girl in general and she gladly gave it away and it sparked in her an idea that she should make bracelets not only for her classmates but for their little siblings as well!

The kids made a special thank you video.

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