Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Simone's Tooth is Loose!

Simone finally has a loose tooth and may lose it within the next few weeks!

Left: Teeth at 6.33 years old.
Right:  Teeth at 0.92 years old

She has been thinking about her first lost tooth for over a year.  (Unless you count the time 2 years ago when she argued that she didn't need to brush her teeth because they were going to fall out anyway.)  Since Kindergarten, she has come home with a report on who in her class has lost a tooth.  A couple of months ago she said her bottom teeth were wiggly, but when I touched them, I didn't detect movement.  Her latest dentist visit, however indicated that her permanent teeth were in position to take over the baby versions.

So far Simone has been concerned about only the money the tooth fairy will give her.  But tonight, after biting into a spoonful of her favorite cereal Panda Puffs, she was introduced into the physical aspect of losing a tooth, i.e. pain.  It freaked her out and she snuggled into her daddy's arms for comfort.  Michael was sympathetic but also prepped her for the sensations she was going to feel in the next couple of weeks.  She cried even more and wished that her teeth could just grow and grow and just never fall out.  We assured her that after her first tooth falls out, she'll be excited for the next ones to come out as well.

I never thought that I would think of this first fallen tooth as such a major milestone.  Simone has grown so much from her babyhood.  I know you say, "Duh!" but seeing her everyday makes mild the changes that happen before my eyes.  The loose tooth has been such a wake-up call for me that time is about to pass in blink of an eye and that if I don't stop to reflect on her developments, she'll be going off to college the next time I blink again!

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