Friday, October 18, 2013

Preview 2013 Halloween

I brought Max to Walmart to get his costume.  We thought for sure that he would pick Superman because he had been stating the weeks beforehand that he would be the superhero for Halloween.  But once he saw another particular costume, his forgot all about "Superwho?"  and decided he had to be Bugs Bunny instead.

We soon got Simone's costume and her pick was a surprise to me too.  She hadn't talked about Snow White in a long time, but she loves her costume!

What do you think?    


  1. I think they both look fantastic! I wonder if they have Max's costume in my size? haha! Do you think you'll be doing Simone's hair like Snow White's? XD

    1. Yes, we will try to make her hair Snow White-ish. I bought mousse today and we're going to test putting her hair in rollers and see what it turns out as the next morning.

  2. Max looks like he's busting a move in his Bugs suit! Simone looks lovely as usual. :)
