Monday, March 17, 2014

Kinder Hippos

The Kinder company is all sorts of wonderful.  I first had a Kinder egg when I was backpacking through Europe.  Not only did one eat a scrumptious, chocolate egg, but I got a TOY, too!

At the commissary on the base, many German products are offered.  I am always down to try new things - especially sweet things.  After picking up only 2 boxes of these cream-filled cracker hippos, our whole family has been transformed.  

We are in love with Kinder's Happy Hippos!

Minnesotans, have you had these?  I ask you in particular because the German culture is more celebrated up North.  If you haven't, get ready for your taste buds to explode!!

Californians, I doubt you'll want to head into Hollywood to risk checking out the Russian markets that might have it so I'll have to send you some!  

1 comment:

  1. This looks amazing! I have not had or seen them before, but I need to be on the look out. I have had Kinder Eggs though. :)
