Thursday, March 6, 2014

Max's Eyes

About a couple of months ago, Max started asking us if he had one eye.  Even after each family member has told him he has two eyes, he still asks - even now that it is two months later.

I don't know where he got his obsession with eyes, but it has gotten to the point that he is always checking that he has his eyeballs on.  You can see the obsession in full force when you play catch with Max.  After he catches the ball and throws it back to you, he will touch his eyelids with his index fingers.  He did it repeatedly a few days ago so I asked him why he was doing it.

"I'm making sure my eyeballs didn't pop out."

As I type this, I saw a blur of movement.  I looked up to see what Max did and I found those fingers on his eyelids making sure all is where it should be!  And all he is doing is watching his sister's cartoon My Little Pony.

Simone has quirks - sometimes, she makes quick, low throat sound every few minutes and she purses her lips a lot.  Maybe this is a quirk with Max.

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