Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Simone Lives Here

A few weeks ago, Simone and her classmate Mia became very close.  I suspect it was the departure of their mutual best friend Kaylynn that glued Simone's friendship with Mia.  The little girls devised a way to continue their fun after school.  One day Simone gave Mia my phone number.  Upon meeting us (their parents) at dismissal, Simone asked loudly, "Can Mia come over to our house?"  I said sure and approached Mia's mom and exchanged phone numbers.

Mary had specified that she could only do weekends, which was a bit of a conflict for us because we prefer that time to be "family time" with Michael.  But Michael didn't mind one weekend and was even going to possibly head out to a HAM radio convention.  Mary agreed that particular Sunday worked and I feverishly cleaned the house to prepare for guests.

Unfortunately, they never came!  Mary completely forgot.  I don't know if she was joking but she said, "Mia forgot to remind me!"  

Michael and I decided we would not make another attempt to invite them because both the mother and daughter showed lack of interest. The little girls have since been trying to find each other's house.  Simone described our house and Mia claimed to pass by it everyday, but requested that Simone put a sign on our place to indicate our abode.  Here is what Simone did ...

On our front door, she taped a tiny 4" by 1-1/2" scrap of paper that says, "Simone's home".  

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