Wednesday, June 19, 2013

(Almost) Guilted into Consumerism

Shame on you Disney for trying to guilt me into consumerism!

We subscribed to one year of Disney Princess magazine and it was great!  Simone read her magazines and felt special when they arrived in the mail ... until the last 3 or so issues.  She lost interest and that convinced me it wasn't worth it to continue despite the constant bombardment of letters and flyers that urged me I needed to continue another year.  I understand their position though.  They are a business and rely on the subscriptions to stay afloat.  Well I am a household manager and do not want to continue paying for something that doesn't hold the same interest in Simone that a free library book does.  

We got the last issue and Disney chose to use one last tactic to get me to renew.  Attached to the magazine was this cover ...

I feel like Disney broke up with me.  Good riddance, cray-cray company!

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