Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Must ... Match !

I've written before about the kids loving their yellow shirts that boast their love for their grandparents.  What I didn't know is that it is imperative to Max that when he wears it, Simone must wear her shirt.  I've tried several times to have him wear the shirt but he absolutely refuses to if Simone is already wearing something else or if she doesn't want to.  Last night he convinced her to wear hers and today I have a pair of twins to parade around Tampa.

I've seen pictures of my sister Grace and me wearing matching clothes and, while I look happy in them, I vowed I wouldn't do that to my Americanized kids (because I thought it was just a Filipino thing).  Lo and behold, kids have a natural preference for matching!  I guess it's human to want to be part of a group and to show your pride in it.  In Max and Simone's case they are Yellow Duo.

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