Monday, June 17, 2013

I've Moved!

For 10 years, I had a blog on Xanga and it was great!  Unfortunately, the company is having trouble looking for investors and is sadly facing the possibility of shutting down.  Also unfortunate is the influx of spammers on the website.

I used to get so excited about receiving a new comment on a post.  It meant a real person out there had interest in my little life and felt compelled to react with words.  I still get comments these days, but it is 99% from spammers.  They are real people too, but their intent is not to read about my life - they want me to check out their product or service. 

Now that I have pictures of my children on my blog, I want to keep it more private and am hoping that Blogger will be a suitable home for my thoughts, rants, and raves.  I contemplated going to Wordpress and other dynamic blogsites, but I really just like to post videos, pictures and words.  I don't really need fancy animation and scrolling thing-a-ma-bobbers.  OK, the real reason is I am too lazy to learn all this new technology. 

Here's to a new adventure in blogging - hopefully with decades more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Gi! : ) Love every word of your Big Little Life!!! : ) Love YOU!!! : )
