Friday, August 23, 2013

Mommy, Interrupted

I have been taking Spanish lessons for a few months and they're conducted on Skype with a teacher in Texas.  Michael and I used to take these lessons in the evening but, due to our teacher's schedule changes, I now have to take lessons on weekday mornings. 

When our lessons were in the evening, the kids were asleep, or nearly so, and our lesson could go on peacefully and continuously.  When I have my morning lessons, the kids are awake and very eager to bother us with the slightest concern.  They have learned over a few sessions that they are not to open the door to the office unless someone is hurt.  If Michael and I are both home, it's easier to take care of the kids because whoever is not taking the lesson can leave to address the issue.  But if it's just me, I have to excuse myself a couple times.

Before my lesson starts I review the rules with the kids.  It's actually just one rule.  Don't interrupt Mommy. On the second morning that I had to take a lesson so early, I was interviewing the kids:

Me:  Mommy is going to take a lesson now.  You just watch TV and take care of yourselves. 
Max & Simone:  Ok, Mommy. (half-distracted because a cartoon was already on the screen)
Me:  Ok, if the show is over, what do you do?
Max:  Interrupt you?
Me:  Noooo!!!!  That's exactly what you don't do!  Just keep playing until I come out.
Max: (with a mischievous grin) Oh. 

Unfortunately, Max always needs to interrupt me because nature calls.  Yes, I still wipe his bum-bum after he goes #2.  Since my classes are during his breakfast, they are also during his bowel movement.  Sometimes - no probably every time I have a class with Maestra Patricia - she hears, "MOOOOOMMMMY!  I'm done!"  I excuse myself and come back after washing my hands from the dirty deed.

All in all, this is a great venue for learning a language.  Imagine if I had to go to a local college with my kids in tow.  In the middle of a lecture Max would announce he is ready to get his butt wiped.

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