Thursday, September 12, 2013

A New Pair of Max Sayings

Max's favorite phrase lately is "young lady."  Last night Max and Simone were fighting over a Hot Wheels track and Max did something inappropriate, which my poor memory seems to think it was an act of swiping.  Simone cried foul (figuratively) and Max immediately yelled, "I'm S O R R Y!" in a rather insincere manner.  Simone accused him of not really being sorry, to which Max responded,

"Yes, I AM sorry, young lady!"

Max has a word for people who are not nice.  We were watching a cartoon that had a bad wolf scientist using a gigantic fan to blow down the pigs' brick house.  Max commented that the antagonist was a "meanie-ac."  I said, "You're right Max.  He's not very nice.  But did you mean to say he's a 'meanie' or a 'maniac."  Max said,

"He's a meanie and a maniac.  He's a meanie-ac!"

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