Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Fight Against No-TV

We have a rule in our house that the kids cannot watch TV on the weekends.  It was tough at first - for me!  Why would it be tough on the parent, you ask?  Because the whining increased that first weekend when they couldn't watch TV.  We urged them to go outside where Michael and I were hanging out and ... what do you know, they did!

Now it's a normal thing in our house that on weekends there are no cartoons, the toys get strewn about the house, and we all interact more.  Michael and I do watch  TV at this time but it's on when we're eating a meal - and it's an adult-chosen show.

This is how Max feel's about what I watch.  During the week when I picked a non-cartoon show for lunch, he told me, "Your choices are ugly!  My choices are fantastic!"

This Saturday morning, I groggily woke up to Max asking me to check out his forehead.  Taped to it was an ovular shape that had squiggly lines rising from it.

I gave him sleepy praise, ("Wow, Max.  That's cool") and tried to catch more ZZZs (it was the weekend after all and that's what parents do - sleep in).  I was immediately interrupted by Simone who barged in the room and said, "Mommy! Mommy!  Feel Max's forehead!  It's hot!"  I decided I couldn't sleep at this point, got up, and played along with their game.  "Wow Max, you have a fever!  You better go to bed."

On my way to the living room, Simone follows me and exclaims, "Aw man!  It didn't work!"  I quizzically looked at her and asked, "What are you talking about?"  Simone smirked and explained, "I wanted you to think Max was sick so that we could watch TV!"

Oh, these kids.  I love their attempts to circumvent the system.

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