Friday, September 6, 2013

More Rockin' the Glasses



  1. *clapclapclapclapclap* simone is so stinkin cuuute! im so happy i found your web-abouts (ooh i just made up a word like Max), kuya monji asked me why you were gone on facebook and i didn't even know so i looked up your xanga url when i couldn't find you on fb! and just found out that the old xanga is gone D: good thing i had the good sense of looking at your blogger profile just in case. HAHA~ clingy niece much? XD i missed a lot of posts! but that's a good thing, i'll have a lot to read haha

    1. Here I am in my web-abouts!! (great word!) Yeah, I left Facebook because I felt as if it were a vortex of wasted time ever sucking me in to check it. I never updated there because there were just too many mere acquaintances whom I didn't necessarily want to know my business nor my kids' business. On Xanga, I was getting more and more spam traffic that creeped me out that they could see pictures of my kids. So here I am! :) And I need to get crackin' on updating! We've been working on the bus so much that I am too pooped to update.

      I'm sure Simone will be bowing "thank you!"
