Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I don't remember what inspired me to take archery lessons.  It might have been when the family watched the movie Brave in which the heroine is highly skilled with the bow and arrow.

On second thought, I think it was watching Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead fend off zombies with his crossbow.

Whatever the impetus, I was stoked when we got to our campground and saw they offer beginning archery classes!!

I took the class while the kids obediently waited in the back.  It was fuuunnnnn!!!  And I even got a bullseye at one point!  

This isn't the bullseye, but I did get close many times! 

After the first few rounds, the instructors pinned balloons on for an added target.

Simone and Michael took a class a few weeks after and Simone did really well!  We all got excited and started looking for composite bows for all of us (except for Max, who doesn't seem interested in taking up any sport for that matter).  Michael was ready to get a left-handed recurve bow (it resembles the traditional bow and does not have pulleys on it), but I was more hesitant.  These pieces of equipment are expensive!!!!

Maybe my dreams of catching dinner with my archery skills will have to wait.  Maybe next Summer.

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