Thursday, August 7, 2014

Farmers Market in VA !

I love farmers markets, but I hated the ones in Tampa, FL.  They were so scant of selection of produce and had more of an arts-&-crap fair feel to them than that of a market.  I went maybe 2 times - ok, maybe it was 3 - the entire two years we were in Florida.

A week after we moved to a Virginia campground, I wanted to provide the kids with local honey for their oatmeal.  I searched for farmers markets, and there were tons going on in the afternoon.  My recent battles with traffic, however, were maddening that I didn't want to engage if I could avoid it.  Luckily I found one that was going on in the morning nearby, but I had to get there ASAP if I wanted to go there and attend the storytime hour at the library with the kids.  I'm glad we made a mad dash!

Not only did they have honey at one of the stands, but the farmer provided the option of including a piece of honeycomb in your jar!


(Disclaimer:  not the actual jars we saw.  These are just actors)

I felt as if I were back in California again, having a leisure stroll through a quaint farmers market.  Simone even sampled some peaches like she did when she was a waddling toddler.  She loved it so much we added peaches to our list of things to get.

With our current refrigeration situation, we weren't able to get more things, but I took pictures to remind myself to get them in the future.  

Green Eggs!  If your browser has the right hues, you can see that some eggs are greenish!  I didn't know they really came in that color!  

MMMM .... pasture-raised meat!

There weren't as many organic fruit choices as would have thoroughly pleased me, but I was happy nonetheless.  Virginia is looking to be a nice place to live!

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