Wednesday, August 20, 2014


The kids and we have been at the Virginia campsite for about one month now, and we've made some friends!

We had noticed a large family of pleasant, polite kids walking their dog to and fro the campground aisles.  They always smiled and waved - especially to Max and Simone.  One morning, while I reading to the kids during their breakfast, the mother Amy approached us and asked if we knew about storytime at the base's library.  I don't know if we have some sort of look, but she guessed that we homeschool and we confirmed.  What was supposed to be a short hello turned into a long conversation about our families and our similar interests!  

Simone was eager to have a playdate so I told her to write an invitiation, "You are invited to play at our bus.  -Simone and Max."  She dropped it off on their table, and that started a great friendship between Simone and Alyssa, the 7-year-old in their family.  

"Best Friends Ever!"

Max and Adam, the other 4-year-old, took a while to warm up to each other, but they're not really good buddies, too!  

They have the same mischievous energy.  Max showed Adam how to roll backwards on the chess lounge chairs at the library and Adam showed Max the army crawl.  

There are a total of 7 kids in our friends' family.  Xander, 15; Drew, 13; Audry, 11; Alyssa, 7; Adam, 4; Adelyne, 3; and Aaron, 5 months.   All the kids are so polite.  The first time the older kids said to me, "Yes, maam."  I had a brainfart and wondered if they were talking to me.  Amy is also a fun lady to talk to.  She's much more spiritual than me, but she doesn't proselytize.  We talk about being military wives, homeschooling, being a wife to a anti-social husband, and being a mother.  

We've started to do part-day homeschooling and the Smiths will start in September.  Until we all have a more rigid schedule, we're taking advantage of any free time that comes up from our errands and play on the hill near their camper.  

Life in an RV is fun when you have friends to hang out with outside it!

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