Monday, August 11, 2014

Camping Fun!

The kids get to play so much at the campground!  They do ask about TV every now and then, but it seems to be dwindling in terms of how frequent they ask for it.  To be accurate in my description, our old standard of TV was streaming Netflix.  Now our "TV" is watching youtube videos of Wild Kratts and Magic School Bus with some Dragontales thrown in for good behavior.  So maybe they ask less because their choices are less.  I rather hope they're asking less because they enjoy the outdoors much more than the screen time.

Our site is right next to a sloped driveway that Simone loves to careen down on her bike.  Max is still not as confident a bike rider so we usually see him running after his sister.  Sometimes he loses his shoe.

Simone has become a pro at meeting new kids to play with.  I don't know who strikes up a conversation first, but Simone is very friendly and has met a couple of friends.  Max tags along wherever his sister goes.  I think being able to go outside without being eaten alive by bugs has offered her more chances to be social.   Look at her joy below!

The kids get very creative with the everyday things we have at the campsite.  

I noticed that at Simone's old school, she only had 1/2 hour of recess everyday and it was held at the end of the day.  I hope all this sun and exercise in the campground makes up for being cooped up so much!

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