Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chia Si

Another fun gift that Michael gave me for Christmas was a Uncle Si version of Chia Pet!

Uncle Si soaking before he's slathered with chia seeds

We love the show Duck Dynasty despite the family's anti-homosexual rants said off air.  And my favorite character is Uncle Si.  He is so goofy, but sincere in his silliness.  Here are some examples of what he says,

This guy has had adventures!

He knows how to live day to day.

He humors his grand nieces and had a tea party with them!

He feels the same about sugar and flour as I do.

It seems fitting that the only plant we'd have in our bus is a Chia Si.

"All of my stories are 95% truthful."

My friend Kerry has a Chia cat and she warned me that it can get moldy.  The box says to avoid putting Uncle Si near the window because he might dry out from too much sun.  Well, I'm going to listen to real-live experience from a buddy and place Uncle Si near the sunlight so his beard will grow only the finest chia beard this side of the Mississippi.

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