Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Sneaky Kids

I recently took the kids to Trader Joe's, a store that we loooooooved in California and never saw in Florida until the last month we were there.  After not having stepped foot in one for 2 years, I was incredibly excited to look at the products they have.  While perusing through the aisles, the kids did their usual entreaty for treats to which I responded in my own usual chant of "No ... no ... no ... no ........"

I was in a daze scrutinizing the products that I didn't notice the mischief Max was up to.  We got to the cashier and still I was not aware of what he had done.  It wasn't until we were driving home that I heard this conversation between the kids.

Simone:  I sure do love Panda Puffs!
Max:  Hey, Simone, I got some!
Simone:  You did?  Where did you get it?
Max:  I got it at Trader Joe's!
Simone:  Moooommm, did you know Max got Panda Puffs?
Me:  (ignoring my children and thinking about the million things I have left to do once we get home)  Oh, that's interesting ....

When we arrived home, I shuffled them to the bedroom to watch TV while I put the groceries away and made lunch.  As I'm putting stuff away, I notice this big yellow box that I didn't remember buying!

Max had snuck it into the cart and I absent-mindedly transferred it to the checkout and paid for it!!  But how could I be mad at them.  Inside, I was very proud of Max for being so clever.  But outside, I leniently told them I didn't like their putting items in the cart.  I calmly said, "Don't do that again."  They said ok, but they soon forgot to heed my words.  If anything, I only gave Simone the idea that she could get in on the action too.

Michael took the kids with him to Whole Foods and they pulled the same trick on him!  This time however he caught them.  And luckily all they smuggled was a healthy watermelon.   

How can you get angry at these mischievous cutie-pies?

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